Best of 2022



Out of all the magnificent 60 books I’ve read, one book that I hold dearly to my heart is Charlie Thorne Curse Of Cleopatra by Stuart Gibbs. The reason why I picked this book is because I really liked how descriptive Stuart Gibbs is. Stuart Gibbs makes you feel like you are actually there seeing all of the different buildings, feeling the sandy earth, but most of all experiencing what Charlie is undergoing. Also, there are so many plot twists where one page Charlie has the upper hand, but the next she is trapped. In addition, Stuart Gibbs makes me feel like I am there cracking the code with Charlie herself and I could actually be her friend. On the other hand, the major reason why I love this book is because I really admire how brave, smart, and calculated Charlie is when she is in tough scenarios. From being at a museum at night, to being in an ancient building, and even being chased by enemies and so many more. 

In conclusion, over this one year span I feel that I have really grown as a reader because from the beginning of my journey I had a really tough time getting into the flow of reading. So, from the beginning of 2022 I held myself to weekly and monthly goals. Which, has massively enhanced my reading level, but for the 2023 year I want to push myself to go above and beyond and achieve a total of 75 books!